English Language Exam Preparation Courses

English Language Ireland is an official examination preparation centre for both the Cambridge English Language Assessment and IELTS exams. If you are planning on taking either exam, our dedicated courses will prepare you to get the best possible result.

The Cambridge English Language Assessment is part of the University of Cambridge. It provides international qualifications for learners and teachers of English, at many levels from preliminary upwards. Whichever level you are at and whichever exam you intend to take, our Cambridge English Exam Preparation Course will give you all the help you need. This course is available to both adults and juniors.

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam  should be taken if you are a non-native English speaker who wishes to apply to go to university in an English-speaking country. It can also help with certain job applications. It is different from the Cambridge English exam in that there is no pass mark – instead it grades your knowledge of English, from 4.0 to 8.9, so that universities and/or employers have a standard measure of your competency. This course is usually for adults, but can be provided for juniors on request.

If you need advice on which exam would best suit your needs, simply contact us to ask.

Exam Preparation Courses

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